Sunday, November 29, 2009
unknown desire for anime
don't know y i hav a desire 2 watch Anime may-b it is b-cos it is sooooo damn BORING!!BUT i will b leavin soon!! GREAT :]
Friday, November 27, 2009
planning my own trip
can't believe tat it is jus 1 more wk till my holidae

the reason tat i m able to go online: planning the trip
can't tok now b-z

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
yes got the chance to go online!!! jus so happy it seems like i am really addicted!!!well enough of tat sooo bored over these few days lying down watchin drama series so gald i m able to go online

well finished ace-learnin!!! can't wait till 7 dec
better ask yan yin to bring back sth 4 me from shanghai
Monday, November 23, 2009
new specs!!!
BREAKING NEWS!:can't b-lieve tat my ma jus bought me a new pair of specs OMG, another time she still said tat i hav 2 wait till a couple more years!!! a miracle jus happen b4 my eyes!
enough of the breakin news lets talk about my sweet supply [plannin to purchase them on wed]:
- eclipse
- yupi gummies
- potato chips
- fruit tips blackcurrent
- m&m minis
jus imagine those colourful yummy sweets [aw jus feel hungry say their name]

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
5 things i hate about holidays:- nth 2 do
- my sweets supply runs out vry fast [hmm it always runs out fast wadeva]
- NO gd shows [not even a nice drama]
- unable to go online unless there is a valid reason [y do adults have to be sooo bossy]
- can't go out, b-cos of wad! : parents, parents and ,oh yah, parents!
5 things i like:
- NO skool !!!!! [skool can be soooo torturing]
- NO skool !!!!! [imagine homewk lik a mount everest]
- NO skool !!!!! [EXAMS 2]
- NO skool !!!!! [heavy skool bags]
- NO skool !!!!! [some crazy bitches in skool (1e1 not included, the gals inside is vry kind and gentle)]
sry about the time b-tween aug 2 nov

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
English project DONE!!!
maybe i add mok lingjiang, amos tay in
yup i will do jus tat.
well i will continue:
- li xian, playful at the right time [Rajes]
- see yuan, dirty thinkin well [tim?]
- shongyan [zikry?]
- sandra [Nira]
- samantha [yi hui]
- meiling [christina, melissa]
- who i 4got liao opps! sry
Monday, August 24, 2009
interview-in carmesh [is this how you type his name?] is jus a nightmare we have lik tons of NGs jus bcos he laugh we oso lah but u noe wad i mean (laugh-in) sooo there will be alot of bloopers [definition: NG--- if still no understand den check dictionary but it might not be there ]
-moving on-
comparison of personalities of my classmates '09 & my classmates of 6C [sexy]'08
P.S. i m goin 2 exclude liu minghao, mok linjiang, tan chen hui, and amos tay yup tats all- ang guangming he is jus quiet
- chew yuren , looks maybe decieving he is vry gd in math [kevin but some parts of kevin is jus too hard to match with other people]
- denise ,she is fun once you get to noe her [ christina she still much more studious]
- chilton not sure vry hard to match dun noe him much
- deston, brain is totally dirty [kevin AGAIN]
- lets put the twins together bo yan & xue yan 1 of them is cheeky the other 1 is matured.[yating and lixuan ]
- josephine vry lady-like kind and fun too [yan yin]
- meichoo easily bullied [wen xin]
- yuling well sporty [yuling]
- mitchell naughty [i tink riyado or ken either one of them]
- cheng chong, with boys tok alot but with gals dun tok at all [tan yong shen]
- me! [jean lah]
- joy , playful but can get serious[Sheena]
i will continue dis 2 moro!